This year marked my first time ever attending Comic Con and I was more than excited to see what this event had waiting for me. I was more than happy to have shared this experience with some of my friends (Nikka, J, Bien, Kevin, Ian and Micha) and knowing that some of them have attended Comic Con before, made the scheduling and planning much easier. As we touched down in San Diego and made our way to the hotel, seeing non-stop Comic Con advertisements everywhere made everything that much real. Finally, we reached our hotel which became our home for the next 6 days which was literally right across the street from the Convention Center. After unpacking and getting settled in, we grabbed dinner at this place alled Burger Lounge which by far had one of the best tasting burgers I've ever had. I may be hyping it up a bit, but I can tell you it tasted fresh and delicious with every bite. The time for sleep has greeted us we knew the next day would be Preview Night of Comic Con.